Adspyder homepage revamp: Enhancing user experience


This case study dives into the strategic overhaul of Adspyder Tool’s homepage, emphasizing the need for a visually appealing design to elevate user engagement and boost sign-ups. Facing the challenge of an outdated look and subpar user experience, a comprehensive redesign was initiated to align with evolving requirements.


Product Designer


Visual design


Anosh pinto – Product designer

Shreyas – Product manager

Shreya – WordPress developer


Despite significant upgrades and the incorporation of AI features, Adspyder Tool’s current website design appeared outdated and lacked visual appeal. The landing page, crucial for user interaction, failed to create a positive impression, resulting in lower sign-up rates. A redesign was imperative to revamp the aesthetics and encourage a higher conversion of users.


Working within the constraints of WordPress presented unique challenges, limiting the extent of custom visual design compared to coded websites. The redesign also had to ensure seamless adaptability to mobile devices, adding an additional layer of complexity to the project.


Collaborating with the team, I conducted a thorough analysis of the website’s strengths and weaknesses. While the SEO content was commendable, information organization needed improvement. Extensive industry research revealed prevailing trends, such as the popularity of dark themes and futuristic elements post the AI wave. Valuable insights from a network product emphasized the importance of generating curiosity through abstract graphics and avoiding an excessive display of product screenshots.


Synthesizing these insights, the proposed solution focused on:

– Striking Hero Section: Create an attention-grabbing hero section to make an immediate impact on users.

– Transparent Value Proposition: Clearly communicate what users can gain from Adspyder Tool.

– Curiosity Building: Employ abstract graphics and limit product screenshots to spark curiosity.

– CTA Optimization: Place clear and compelling Calls-to-Action strategically for seamless user conversion.

Impact Analysis:

To assess the impact, I conducted an in-depth analysis of the data retrieved from the Google Analytics dashboard. Given that the primary objective of our website is to drive traffic to our dashboard and encourage exploration, I delved into the analytics of the dashboard.

The homepage went live on January 18th, 2024. To gauge the impact, I compared data from the previous version (December 17th to January 17th) with the new version (January 18th to February 18th). Here are the key observations:

1) Significant Increase in Average Engagement Time: The average engagement time of users on our dashboard saw a remarkable surge, approximately quadrupling from 1 minute and 25 seconds to 5 minutes and 24 seconds. This notable improvement suggests that the users we’ve attracted are of higher quality, potentially leading to increased conversion rates into long-term paid users.

2) Marked Enhancement in User Retention: The percentage of repeat users revisiting our dashboard surged from 15.21% to 32%. This notable uptick underscores a positive trend in user retention.

(Note: Due to an error in the tracking code on the homepage website, I was unable to compare its analytics. I will provide an update once this issue is resolved.)